Insurance in and around Wentzville
Multiple ways to help keep more of your hard-earned dollars
Insurance that works for you
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- Lake St Louis
- O'Fallon
- Wright City
- Foristell
- New Melle
- St Paul
- Troy
- Mathasville
- St Peters
- Warrenton
- St Charles
- Winfield
- Darenne Prairie
- Innsbrook
- Washington
- Cottleville
- Defiance
- Augusta
- Herman
- Hawk Point
- Truxton
- Jonesburg
- Silex
- Flint Hill
100 Years Of Good Neighboring Experience
We can help you create a Personal Price Plan® to help protect what’s important to you – family, things and your bottom line. From safe driving rewards, bundling options and discounts*, build your coverage to meet your individual needs. Contact Mike Haight for a Personalized Price Plan.
Multiple ways to help keep more of your hard-earned dollars
Insurance that works for you
Insurance For Every Step Of The Way
Need Rental, Health, Auto, RV insurance or all four? Those are just a few of the fantastic options that State Farm can provide. State Farm is a smart choice for a great value, and one you don't want to miss.
Simple Insights®
Who wants to be a millionaire? Find out how long it takes
Who wants to be a millionaire? Find out how long it takes
Use this calculator and enter your age, savings, and what you have currently saved to discover the time it will take to be a millionaire.
Take better aim with these hunting safety tips
Take better aim with these hunting safety tips
Hunting season is prime time to look at safety. Following these hunting safety tips will help help keep everyone out of harm's way.
![Profile photo of a State Farm Agent named: Mike Haight](
Mike Haight
State Farm® Insurance AgentSimple Insights®
Who wants to be a millionaire? Find out how long it takes
Who wants to be a millionaire? Find out how long it takes
Use this calculator and enter your age, savings, and what you have currently saved to discover the time it will take to be a millionaire.
Take better aim with these hunting safety tips
Take better aim with these hunting safety tips
Hunting season is prime time to look at safety. Following these hunting safety tips will help help keep everyone out of harm's way.